My Agent Wants Me To Quit My Day Job - Should I?
Day Jobs
With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.
Will my agent fire me if my day job interfered with auditions?
My day job is getting in the way of my acting career - help!
My agent has given me an ultimatum about me day job, what do I do?
How can I do my day job and still be available for auditions?
How do I balance my day job and acting?
How am I meant to have a full time job and do acting at the same time?
My agent is negative on me having a full time job and acting at the same time, what can I do?
Can I have a part-time job and act - my agent doesn't think so, help!
My agents thinks my casual job is getting in the way - help!
I'm not ready to quit my job but I'm under pressure from my agent - what do I do?
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