Day Jobs

Day Jobs

Going from a red carpet one night to behind a bar the next day can be painful for us to handle. It confuses our mind and skews our perception of who we are and the progress we have made. But remember - 90% of actors in SAG-AFTRA don't make their insurance each year. That means 90% of actors are not earning over 20k per year. Most actors need additional income. So lets talk day jobs, passive income streams, and money in general.

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Day Jobs
  • What Day Job Can I Do To Support My Acting Career?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Any tips on day jobs while acting?
    What kind of jobs can I do while pursuing acting?
    What side jobs are good while acting?
    Are restaurant jobs the only option while acting?
    Are catering ...

  • Which Day Job Can I Do To Support My Acting Career?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Here's a list of jobs we created to make this a little easier for you:

    Please comment on the video if you have a ...

  • What Is The Best Casual Job To Work Around My Career Aspirations As An Actor?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    What kind of day jobs should I get at an actor?
    What is the most flexible job I can get as a side hustle to my acting?
    Any tips on good day jobs for actors?
    What jobs work well around au...

  • When Should I Quit My Day Job?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Is it time to pursue acting full time?
    When is it time to pursue acting full time?
    Am I ready to go full time as an actor?
    Is it time to quit casual work for acting full time?
    Am I makin...

  • My Agent Wants Me To Quit My Day Job - Should I?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How do I manage auditions around my day job?
    My agent doesn't understand how much I need my day job?

  • I'm Good At Admin, Can I Ask My Manager/Agent For A Job?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Can I get a job working for my agent?
    Will my manager give me a job if I ask?
    Is it Ok to work for my representatives?
    Why can't my manager hire me in their office?
    Can I apply for a job...

  • My Job Keeps Clashing With Auditions - Will My Agent Let Me Change The Day/Time?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    How can I avoid clashes with auditions?
    Can I change the date and time of my audition around my day job?
    Is there flexibility on time with casting?
    What do I do when my day job gets in t...

  • I Run Into Casting Directors / Agents At Work, Is This Good/Bad For My Career?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    My day job overlap with my acting network - is this good or bad?
    Should I get a different job if I keep running into industry people?
    Will casting directors think I'm a loser if they se...

  • I Work Near A Casting Office, Should I Tell Them I'm An Actor?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    I work near casting, how can I befriend them?
    How can I use my day job to my advantage to meet casting directors?
    I work at a casting director's favourite cafe, is this a good or bad thi...

  • Should I Tell An Employer I'm An Actor When I'm Being Interviewed?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Should I be honest with employers about my acting aspiration?
    Should I be upfront about my acting commitments with employers?
    What do I tell employers about my acting career?
    How do I ma...

  • I Am An UBER Driver Should I Tell My Customers I'm An Actor?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Should I network when uber driving?
    Is there value in telling my customers at work I'm an actor?
    Is it pathetic if I tell people I'm an actor when I am there uber driver?
    Should I networ...

  • My Agent Wants Me To Quit My Day Job - Should I?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Will my agent fire me if my day job interfered with auditions?
    My day job is getting in the way of my acting career - help!
    My agent has given me an ultimatum about me day job, what do I...

  • Can I Do A 9-5 Job & Still Have A Successful Acting Career?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Can I balance a 9-5 job with my acting career?
    Should I leave my 9-5 job?
    Can you have a 9-5 job while pursuing an acting career?
    How can I maintain my 9-5 job while acting?
    My acting c...