How Do You Feel About Actors Shaking Hands At An Audition?
with Lisa Zambetti, CSA
Artios Nominated Casting Director | Criminal Minds
Do you expect actors to shake hands with you at an audition?
Should actors shake hands with you at an audition?
Should actors avoid shaking hands with you at an audition?
Is it rude to not shake hands with casting at an audition?
Should I be shaking hands with casting at auditions?
Should I be shaking hands with directors at auditions?
Am I expected to shake hands at an audition?
Can I shake hands with casting?
Will casting expect me to shake hands with them at an audition?
Do I shake hands at auditions?
Should I hand shake with casting?
Can I shake hands with a casting director?
Am I expected to shake hands with a casting director?
Should I shake a casting director's hand at a casting?