Victoria Burrows (Interview)

Victoria Burrows (Interview)

Victoria Burrows | Casting Director

A renowned casting director – Victoria Burrows career spans 30-years in both film and television industries. Miss Burrows started working in the casting field with top independent casting director Ramsay King. She apprenticed under Ramsay for four years before helming her first show and After School Special titled Just Pals.

Miss Burrows expanded her casting experience to include film by joining the talented Barbara Claman. While working with Ms. Claman, Miss Burrows focused on independent films over a four year period.

From there Miss Burrows was asked to join the newly created Stephen Cannell Productions casting team in 1985. Victoria’s casting roster included: 21 Jump Street, Wiseguy, The A Team, and Riptide & Stingray.

After two years, Miss Burrows decided to go independent – casting high profile series such as MacGyver, Tales from the Crypt, Werewolf, Diagnosis Murder and Martial Law.

In 2000, Miss Burrows offered a partnership to Casting Director, Scot Boland thus creating
Burrows/Boland Casting.

Notable Television credits include: The Feast of All Saints Based Miniseries based on the Anne Rice novel for Showtime. The Last Brickmaker in America starring Sidney Poitier. Vanishing Point starring Viggo Mortensen.

Feature casting credits include:

The Lovely Bones directed by Peter Jackson.

The Hobbit directed by Peter Jackson.

Yellow Submarine, A Christmas Carol, The Polar Express and Castaway, all directed by Robert Zemeckis.

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn produced and directed by Stephen Spielberg.

King Kong directed by Peter Jackson.

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers and Return of the King directed by Peter Jackson.

Contact starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey.

Cast Away starring Tom Hanks, directed by Robert Zemeckis.

Miss Burrows love casting and being able to identify and support talented artists in their pursuit of acting.

Victoria Burrows (Interview)
  • A Conversation with Casting Director Victoria Burrows

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    For the past four decades Risa Brammon Garcia has worked consistently as a director, producer, casting director, writer, and teacher.

    As a casting director her résumé includes more than 65 feature fil...

  • Victoria Burrows: Rapidfire

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Where do you post auditions?
    Do you audition non-union actors?
    Where do you post breakdowns?
    Does SAG-AFTRA vs SAG-AFTRA Elligible make a difference?
    Where do you find readers for your audition sessions...

  • What Do You See Seasoned Actors Do Differently To New Actors In Auditions?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    What do professional actors do differently to new actors in an audition?
    What separates the professional actors from new actors in an audition?
    How can you tell a professional actors from a new actor ...

  • What Can An Actor Do To Make A Good Impression In An Audition Room?

    How can an actor Impress In the room?
    Any tips for me to make a good impression at my audition?
    How can I make a good impression in an audition?
    How do I make a good impression on a casting director?
    Any ideas on how to make a good impression at a casting office?

  • How Do You Select Which Actors To Audition?

    Victoria Burrows, Casting Director C.S.A
    King Kong, The Lovely Bones, the Lord of the Rings trilogy

    How do you select people to audition?
    What makes you decide to bring an actor in to your office to audition?
    What makes you decide to choose an actor to audition?
    What is the selection process for...

  • Which Props (If Any) Are Appropriate In Auditions?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Can I bring props to an audition?
    Who provides props at an audition?
    What props should I bring to a casting?
    What props can I use at a casting?
    What props is OK to bring to casting?
    What props aren't too...

  • Where Do You Find Readers For Your Audition Sessions?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Where do you look for readers?
    Who read for your actors in auditions?
    At auditions, who is the reader?
    Can I be a reader for your auditions?
    Where can I regifted to be a reader for auditions at CD office...

  • When, If Ever, Can Actors Improvise Or Paraphrase In Auditions?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Can actors improv in audition?
    Can I add a button at the end of my audition?
    Can I paraphrase in auditions?
    Can I improvise in my audition?
    How much can I paraphrase in auditions?
    Do I have to follow the...

  • Do You Like When Actors Send Thank You Notes After An Audition?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Do you expect an actor to follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
    Should actors follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
    Do casting directors expect an actor to follow up with a than...

  • If An Actor Truly Bombs An Audition, Should They Reach Out To Apologize?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    I bombed my audition - what should I do?
    Should I apologize to casting about a bad audition?
    After a bad audition, should I apologize?
    Should I check in with casting if I bomb an audition?
    I bombed an au...

  • How Important Is It To Be Off Book In An Audition?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Do I need to be off book?
    Should I know all my lines for my auditions?
    Can I read from the sides at my auditions?
    How well should I know my lines at your office?
    Can I hold the script and read my auditio...

  • Has A Bad Self-Tape Reader Ever Cost An Actor A Job?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Do bad self tape readers ruin self tapes?
    What is the impact of a bad reader in a self tape?
    Should I retape if my reader is bad?
    Are bad readers on a self tape a deal breaker?
    Can a bad self tape reader...

  • Have You Ever Had Actors Send A Self Tape After A Bad In-Room Audition?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Have you ever received a self tape following an in room audition?
    Is it proper to follow up a bad audition with a self tape?
    Can I make up for a bad in room audition with a self tape submission?
    Would yo...

  • What Is Your Preferred Delivery Method For Self Tapes?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    What method should I submit my tape via?
    Should I post my self tapes to You Tube to give to casting?
    Should I post my self tapes to Vimeo to give to casting?
    Should my self tapes be downloadable?
    Do I ma...

  • Do You Ever Watch Unsolicited Self Tapes Sent By Actors?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Would you want a tape sent by an actor if you didn't ask for it?
    Are you open to receiving unsolicited self tapes?
    Will you watch a tape from me if I get a hold of sides?
    Can I send random tapes to you t...

  • Do You Ever Watch Unsolicited Self Tapes Sent By Representation?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Will you watch a tape randomly sent by a management company to you?
    If an agency sends you a tape you didn't ask, will you watch it?
    Would you watch a tape you didn't ask sent by agents?
    Would you want a...

  • What Backdrop Colors Do You Prefer In A Self Tape?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    What backdrop colors are best for self tapes?
    For self tapes, what backdrop color should I choose?
    Is blue best for self tapes?
    Is a grey background best for self tapes auditions?
    What color is best for ...

  • What Are The Important Aspects Of A Professional Self Tape?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    What are the do's and don't's of self tapes?
    Can you tell me the dos and don't of self tapes?
    Are there some dos and don'ts of self tapes?
    What are a few dos and don'ts of self tapes?
    Do you have any t...

  • Have You Ever Hired An Actor From An Unsolicited Self Tape?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Has an unsolicited tape ever led to a booking?
    Have you booked from a tape you didn't ask for before?
    Has your office hired actors from tapes you didn't request before?
    Would you ever hire an actor from ...

  • How Long Do You Watch A Self Tape Before You Know They're Not Right?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    How long do you watch a self tape before you know they're not right for the role?
    How much do you watch of a self Tape?
    How much of a self tape do you watch?
    Do you watch a whole self tape?
    Do you turn ...

  • If I Can't Find A Reader, Can I Pre-Record The Other Characters Lines Myself?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Can I tape my own voice reading the other role's lines for a self tape?
    When I can't find a reader can I record on my own?
    Can I tape a self tape without a reader?
    If I can't get another actor to read op...

  • Do You Audition Non-Union Actors?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Do you see non-union actors?
    Do you only see union actors?
    Do you see union and non-union actors?
    If I am non-union, will you see me?
    Does Victoria Burrows see non-union actors?
    If I am non-union, can I ...

  • Where Do You Post Auditions?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    Where does Victoria Newman post auditions?
    Where can I find auditions for Victoria Newman?
    How does my agent see auditions from Victoria Newman?
    Where can I find auditions notices from Burrows Boling Cas...

  • How Much Input Do You Feel You Have In The Final Casting Decisions?

    with Victoria Burrows, CSA
    Casting Director | Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Lovely Bones

    How much say do you have in the final casting decision?
    Do you get a say in the final casting decision?
    Does casting have a say in the final decision?
    Do casting directors get a say in the final decision...