

Tales of Hollywood, Acting, Networking and other stories that share lessons, laughs and knowledge to help you in your career. Come here and just hit play when you need a little light humor to remind you that you're not alone :)

Type any question you have about acting, and you'll find the answer you need provided by experts, educators, working actors, and/or SAG-AFTRA board members working in the industry today.

Please email [email protected] with any question that has not been answered and we will add the answer ASAP.

  • Storytime: The One About Diversifying Your Skillset

    Why is diversifying important?
    Should I expand my skill set?
    Will moving into other areas of the industry helpful to me as an actor?

  • Storytime: The One About Halle Berry

    Have you ever had a famous actor give you advice?
    Anyone famous ever give you advice?
    Is there any advice you have been given from a famous actor that has helped you in your career?

  • Kym Jackson: The One About Coming To America

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How did you get to America?
    What was your journey to America?
    How did you come to find yourself in th...

  • Storytime: The One About The Russian Role

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What do I do if my lines get cut?
    How can I keep my mindset on track in an intimidating waiting room?...

  • Storytime: The One About Overcoming Networking Nerves

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Should I go to film festivals to network?
    Should I be networking at festivals?
    Are festivals helpful ...

  • Storytime: The One About Actor Marketing

    w/ Ryan Basham, Award Winning Producer, Master Coach, & Branding Expert

    Can I be too aggressive with marketing?
    How many times can I do drop offs at casting?
    Can I be annoying to casting with my marketing?
    Will I annoy casting if I market too aggressively?
    Is there a d...

  • Storytime: The One About Casting Type

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    Is being type cast helpful?
    How can I become a reliable actor for casting?
    Why do I keep getting brought in for the same types of roles?

  • Storytime: The One About Building Relationships Through Research

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    How can I build relationships with casting?
    How do I build relationships with directors?
    Should I research people before connecting with them?
    How does researching people help me in the industry?

  • Storytime: The One About The Blind Submission

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    Should I research casting directors before contacting them?
    How should I connect with casting directors?
    How can I personalize my correspondence with casting?
    Can I send blind submissions to casting?

  • Storytime: The One About Connecting With The Casting Director

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Is it good to be a reader at a casting office?
    Does it look bad to reach out to casting about certain projects?
    How can I connect with a casting director?
    How do you network with a casti...

  • Storytime: The One About Managing Perfectionism

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Do hard workers get rewarded in acting?
    Is perfectionism a bad thing in acting?
    Am I took focused on acting?
    Am I too amped up about the industry?
    Am I too head driven in my acting caree...

  • Storytime: The One About Looking For A New Agent

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    What do I do when I feel like I'm not getting anywhere?
    How long should I put into my career before I give up?
    How can I work around the regular path of acting?

  • Storytime: The One About Becoming Aussie

    with Amy Walker, Working Actor | Founder, CEO of

    How do I learn an australian accent?
    Is the Australian accent hard?
    How can I learn an australian accent?
    Should I immerse myself in a country's accent?

  • Storytime: The One About The New York Accent

    with Amy Walker, Working Actor | Founder, CEO of

    Should I immerse myself in the country's accent?
    Will people be offended if I copy their accents?
    Will people find me deceitful if I use their accent?

  • Storytime: The One About Rosalind

    with Forbes Riley, Actor | Host | Producer | Coach
    The Forbes Factor

    How do I know when I am ready?
    How do I stay motivated when I am feeling down?
    Am I enough?
    Am I pretty enough?
    Am I beautiful enough?

  • Storytime: The One About Hosting Comedy Legends

    with Forbes Riley, Actor | Host | Producer | Coach
    The Forbes Factor

    Am I funny enough to work in comedy?
    How do I know if I am funny?
    How do I know if I have 'it'?
    Do I have the x factor?
    Am I interesting to watch?

  • Storytime: Getting Your First Co-Star

    with Ryan Basham, Award Winning Producer, Master Coach, & Branding Expert

    How can I get a co-star?
    Any tips on how to get a co-star?
    How can I be seen by casting?
    What steps do I need to take to be seen for co-stars?
    Why aren't I being seen for co-stars?
    What was your first experience on set as ...

  • Storytime: The One About Self Taping

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of | Actor & Filmmaker

    How can I do self tapes quickly?
    How can I get a reader for last minute self tapes?
    How can We Audition help me with last minute self tapes?

  • Story Time: The One About Making That Extra Effort

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of | Actor & Filmmaker

    How can I go that extra mile?
    What do you mean by making that extra effort?
    Are competition showcases worth entering?
    Are online competitions wor...

  • Storytime: The One About The Juicy Audition

    with Ayelette Robinson, Actor | Producer | VO | Founder,

    Why have I been cast in this role?
    How do people cast roles?
    What is casting looking for?
    Why did I not book the role?
    Why did I book the role?

  • Storytime: The One About Stepping Behind The Casting Process

    with Ayelette Robinson, Actor | Producer | VO | Founder,

    Why does someone get cast over me?
    Why didn't I get the role?
    Why did I not book the role?
    Why did I lose the role?
    Was I not good enough to book the role?
    Was I not hot enough to book the role?
    Was I bad...

  • Storytime: The One About The First Booking

    with Ayelette Robinson, Actor | Producer | VO | Founder,

    Why did I book the role?
    Did I book the role because I was the best?
    Why do people book roles?
    Why am I not booking more?
    How can I book more?
    What makes actors stand out and book?

  • Storytime: The One About Writing Your Own Story

    with Forbes Riley, Actor | Host | Producer | Coach
    The Forbes Factor

    Can I write?
    Should I write?
    Do I need to live life to be a better actor?
    How can I be a better storyteller?
    What makes a great storyteller?

  • Storytime: The One About The Straight Offer

    with Karen Workman, Mother of Actors, Life Coach, Author of 'Baby Steps To Hollywood'

    How important is relationships even for child actors?
    Can crew get you a job as an actor?
    How important is it to be kind to crew?
    Can your onset behavior get you work?
    Can you onse...