Step 9: Get a Manager You Love

Step 9: Get a Manager You Love

Your manager and management is the extension of you who runs your business, so you can focus on being a creative artist. In this section, we'll cover the roles and responsibilities of a manager and how to communicate effectively with your manager so you can get the most out of the partnership.

Step 9: Get a Manager You Love
  • Intro to Managers

    An Introduction to what a Manager does.

  • THE JOURNEY - Course 4 | Sign With an Agent & Manager You Love

    A great agent and manager use their connections and fight to create opportunities for us. This course guides you step by step through the proven ways to find and sign with reps who have the experience and network to get you work.

    *We recommend completing Level 2 prior to taking this level.


  • How To Write A Pitch Email To An Agent Or Manager

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

  • Do I Need A Manager?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    I'm just starting out, are you sure I need a manager?
    I have an agent, do I need a manager too?
    What can a ma...

  • What Is The Difference Between An Agent & A Manager?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Can an agent manage my career?
    What is the traditional role of a manager?
    Why does my manager act more like a...

  • What Should My Manager Do For Me?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What tasks or things can I expect my manager to do for me and which ones do they not do?
    What can I expect f...

  • How Do I Know If An Agent Or Manager Is Good?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Any tips on working out if an agent or manager is hard working?
    What is a warning sign that an agent or manager might not be very good?
    What we...

  • What Should A Contract For Agents Or Managers Include?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What should I look out for in a contract with my agent?
    Do I have to sign a contract with my manager?
    How long should I expect to sign for with...

  • My Manager Is Asking For 15%, Is That Too Much?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What is the rate of commission that managers in LA take?
    Why is this manager asking for 5% more than the othe...

  • 9. Get A Manager You Love

  • Create Your Email To Approach Managers

  • What Tier Of Agent or Manager Should I Be Aiming For?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What level of representation should I be working towards?
    How do I determine what tier of agency I am right for?
    Where on an agent's client lis...

  • What Is A Showcase?

    Showcases are an incredible way to proactively get your work seen by industry members.

    While being 'discovered' is a bit of a rare and unlikely event (as few industry members have the power to hand someone a career), a showcase is one of the few places where a casting director, agent, manager, o...

  • What to Expect At An Agent Or Manager Meeting

    Check out our guide "How to Prepare For Agent & Manager Meetings" in our"Resources and How To Guides" section at the link below:

    This is a two-way interview. You are working out if you want to work with them and they are assessing you ...

  • Do I Need To Sign Something With A Manager Or Agent To Work With Them?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Do I need a contract with my manager?
    Do I have to sign a contract with my agent?
    Who does a representation c...

  • My Agent Or Manager Is Asking For A Fee To Sign With Them - Help!

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How do agents earn money?
    Should I pay a start-up cost when signing with an agency?
    Do I pay managers a wage ...

  • How Can I Analyze An Agent Or Managers Client List?

    With Kym, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Is there somewhere I can find out who an agent represents?
    Can I look up specifically who one particular mana...

  • Should I Come To All Of My Child's Representation Meetings In LA?

    with Karen Workman, Mother of Actors, Life Coach, Author of 'Baby Steps To Hollywood'

    Should I go to agent meetings as the parent to a child actor?
    Can I go to manager meetings as the parent to a child actor?
    Is it appropriate to attend publicist meetings as the pare...