Shaked Berenson

Shaked Berenson

Shaked Berenson has produced, and executive produced over 40 films and two television series, including the animation franchise SPACE DOGS, which generated over 100mil in worldwide box-office.

In the past 15 years, Shaked financed, marketed, and distributed over 120 films across all genres. He served as a Board Director for IFTA™ (Independent Film & Television Alliance) since 2011, a PGA (Producers Guild of America) member since 2013.

Currently, as the Head of Media for Be Capital Group, Shaked serves as the CEO of Entertainment Squad, a production and distribution outfit. Its first release was the documentary about Quentin Tarantino, QT8: THE FIRST EIGHT. Shaked also runs The Horror Collective, a genre content production, and distribution label. The outfit’s inaugural film will be Elza Kephart’s SLAXX.

Shaked has an MBA from UCLA/Anderson. He has been a guest speaker at various forums such as USC, SXSW, and AFM.

Shaked Berenson
  • Would You Recommend That Actors Produce Projects For Themselves To Act In?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Should actors produce projects for themselves to act in?
    Is there any value in actors producing projects for themselves to act in?
    Do you think there is any point in producing projects...

  • Should I Send An Audition Video Directly To Producers?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Should I cold email a self tape to producers?
    Would you be annoyed if I email unsolicited self tape auditions to you as a producer?
    How can I get my unsolicited self tape to producers?...

  • What Are Some Elements That Make A Movie More Commercial?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    How can I make my films commercial?
    How do I make my script more commercial?
    What does 'more commercial' mean?
    How can I make me feature more commercial?
    What does it mean to 'make a f...

  • What Deductions Should I Expect From My Sales Agent?

    with Shakes Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What is a sales agent fee?
    How does a sales agent work out their fee?
    What kind of commission do I pay on a sales agent for distributing my feature film?
    What is a flat marketing fee?

  • How Can I Create Chemistry With Actors In An Audition To Impress The Producers?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Why is the key to creating chemistry with the lead actor/actress in an audition to impress the producers?
    How can I create chemistry in an audition room?
    How can I impress producers in...

  • What Are Some Elements That Make A Movie Less Commerical?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What makes a film less commercial?
    What elements reduce a film's distribution potential?
    What kind of onscreen material limits a film's distribution?
    Is my film too edgy to be commerci...

  • Are Low Budget Genre Films Easier To Sell?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Are horrors the easiest way sell a movie?
    Are genre films easier to sell?
    Should I make a horror?
    Are cheap genre films the way to go as a first time film maker?
    Should I be focusing o...

  • What Does Last In First Out Mean In Film Finance?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What Is Last In First Out Mean In Film Finance?
    What does the term Last In First Out Mean In Film Finance?
    In film finance, what does' Last In First Out' mean?
    Can you explain 'last ...

  • What Should I Offer To An Investor Who Puts Money Into My Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What should the offer be to an investor who puts money into my film?
    What is the return I should offer an investor on my feature film?
    What kind of deal should I offer a feature film ...

  • What Genres Are Most & Least Sellable To Foreign Territories?

    with Shakes Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Are supernatural films popular in foreign territories?
    Are horror films popular in foreign territories?
    Do scientific films sell the most in foreign territories?
    Are scary films popula...

  • How Many Investors Can You Have On A Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What is the maximum number of investors on a film?
    Is there a limit to the number of investors on a film?
    Does it become more complicated the more investors I get for my feature film?

  • Should I Try To Sell My Own Film Directly To Distributors In Each Territory?

    with Shakes Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Is it worth trying to sell a movie myself to international territories?
    Can filmmakers sell a film without any sales agents?
    Do I really need a sales agent to sell my films to internat...

  • What Deductions Should I Expect From My Distributor?

    with Shakes Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What kind of deductions should I expect from my distributor?
    What do distributors cost?
    How much in deductions should I expect from my distributor?
    What level of deductions should I ...

  • What Is P&A Finance In Film Distribution?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Can you explain to me P&A finance in film distribution?
    What does P&A finance refer too?
    Can you explain to me P&A film finance?
    What is P&A in film financing?
    What is the term P&A?

  • What Is VPF In Film Distribution?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What is a VPF in Film Distribution?
    Why does VPD mean?
    In film distribution, what is VPF?
    What does VPF stand for?
    What is the VPF?
    Do you know what VPF means?
    What does VPF mean when...

  • What Is An Exhibitor In Film Distribution?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What's an exhibitor?
    What does the term exhibitor mean?
    What do exhibitors do?
    Do I need a exhibitor?
    What does exhibitor refer too?
    Are theatre and exhibitors the same thing?
    What is ...

  • Does Violence Restrict My Film Distribution Options?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Is violence bad for distribution?
    How can violence effect distribution of my feature film?
    Is violence in fantasy ok for distribution option?
    Will the distribution of my feature be eff...

  • What Is The Difference Between NET & Gross In Film Finance?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What is net and what is gross in film finance?
    What is gross and NET in film finance?
    In film finance, what is the difference between NET and Gross?
    When we are talking film finance, w...