Shaked Berenson

Shaked Berenson

Shaked Berenson has produced, and executive produced over 40 films and two television series, including the animation franchise SPACE DOGS, which generated over 100mil in worldwide box-office.

In the past 15 years, Shaked financed, marketed, and distributed over 120 films across all genres. He served as a Board Director for IFTA™ (Independent Film & Television Alliance) since 2011, a PGA (Producers Guild of America) member since 2013.

Currently, as the Head of Media for Be Capital Group, Shaked serves as the CEO of Entertainment Squad, a production and distribution outfit. Its first release was the documentary about Quentin Tarantino, QT8: THE FIRST EIGHT. Shaked also runs The Horror Collective, a genre content production, and distribution label. The outfit’s inaugural film will be Elza Kephart’s SLAXX.

Shaked has an MBA from UCLA/Anderson. He has been a guest speaker at various forums such as USC, SXSW, and AFM.

Shaked Berenson
  • What Have You Seen Actors Do Outside Auditions To Make You Unlikely To Re-Hire?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What should actors avoid to make themselves hirable?
    What do you look for in hiding actors a second time?
    What can actors do to make themselves hirable?
    How should actors behave on set...

  • What Is An Executive Producer In Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What do executive producers do?
    What is an executive producer?
    Can you tell me what an executive producer does?
    What is the role of an executive producer?
    What do executive producers d...

  • What Is A Co-Producer In Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What are co-producers in film?
    What do co-producers do?
    What is the role of co-producers?
    What are the jobs of a co-producer?
    What do co-producers do on set?
    What do co-producers do on...

  • What Is A Film Producer?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What do film producers do?
    What is the role of film producers?
    What is the role of a film producer?
    What do film producers do on a feature?
    What do film producers do on set?
    What do fi...

  • What Is A Film Sales Agent?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What do film sales agent do?
    Do I need a film sales agent?
    How can film sales agents help my movie?
    How do film sales agents sell a movie?
    What can a film sales agent for my movie dome...

  • What Is A Line Producer In Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What are the duties of a Line Producer?
    What's the role of a Line Producer?
    Tell me what Line Producers are?
    What is the definition of a Line Producer?
    What do Line Producers contribut...

  • What Is An Associate Producer In Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What are associate producers?
    What does an associate producer bring to a film?
    What's the role of the associate producer?
    Can you tell me what associate producers do?
    How powerful are ...

  • What Is A Film Distributor?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What does a film distributor do?
    How does a film distributor help my movie?
    Can you explain what a film distributor is?
    Do I need a film distributor?
    What is the role of a film distrib...

  • What Is The Difference Between Backend Points & Residuals?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What are back end points in film financing?
    What are residuals in film financing?
    In film financing, what are back end points?
    In film financing, what are residuals?
    Are residuals and ...

  • How Are SAG-AFTRA Residuals Calculated?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    How can I learn about SAG-AFTRA residuals?
    Do you know much about SAG-AFTRA residuals?
    How do I know the rates of SAG-AFTRA residuals?
    Tell me about SAG-AFTRA residuals in regards to f...

  • How Does A Sales Agent Sell A Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What is a sales agent?
    What do sales agents actually do?
    How do sales agents contribute to the success of a movie?
    Can you tell me what a sales agent is?
    What are sales agent?
    What is ...

  • Should I Attend Film Markets As A Film Producer Trying To Find A Sales Agent?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Will I meet sales agents at film festivals?
    Should I go to film markets as a film producer trying to find a sales agent?
    Are film markets a good place to find a sales agent?
    Should ...

  • How Can I Show The Producers I Am The Best Person For This Role?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Why do producers hire actors?
    From a producers perspective, what are producers looking for in their actors?
    What stands out for producers when deciding whether to work with me?
    How do ...

  • What Are The Stages Of Producing A Film?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    What are the steps to making a feature film?
    Tell me the phases in making a feature film?
    Are there specific steps towards making a feature film and if so, what are they?
    What's the di...

  • How Many Producers Are On A Movie?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    On a feature, how many producers are there?
    How many producers does it take to producer a feature film?
    What is the number of producers on a feature film?
    What is the total of producer...

  • How Does A Film Sales Agent Interact With A Film Distributor?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    How do film sales agent interact with film distributors?
    How does a film distributor interact with a film sales agent?
    What is the process of film distributors interacting with sales a...

  • How Are Points On A Film Divided Up Between Producer, Investor & Creatives?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Who gets points on a feature film?
    How do I divide the backend up on a feature film?
    Do creatives get points?
    Do investors get points?
    Why do producers get points?
    Does everyone get po...

  • Should I Enter Film Festivals Or Find A Sales Agent First?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Should I get a sales agent before I go to festival?
    Should I go to film festival before getting a sales agent?
    Do I hire a sales agent before going to a film festival?
    Should I hire a ...

  • Why Don't Executive Producers Come To Set?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Where is the executive producer on set?
    Is the EP on set?
    Do executive producers come to set?
    Will I meet the executive producer on set?
    Where is the EP on set?
    Will the EP ever be on ...

  • Can I Invite The Producers Out For A Social Drink During Filming?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Should I socialize with producers during production?
    Should I get the director to go for coffee before a day of shooting?
    Can I get the producers to go out with me on the town during f...

  • A Producer Is Giving Me Direction In Opposition To The Director - What Do I Do?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    How do I manager differing direction from different people on set?
    Do I listen to the director or the producer when it comes to taking directon?
    Should I listen to the direction of the...

  • How Can I Meet Producers Socially?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    How can I engage producers socially?
    Where do I meet producers?
    How do I mingle with producers socially
    Who should actors mingle with to engage producers?
    How can I socialize with film...

  • What Are Ways Actors Have Gotten To Know You Business-Wise?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    How do I network with filmmakers?
    What do I need to do to meet producers as an actor?
    What can actors do to get to know producers?
    How can I meet producers as an actor?
    Where do I mee...

  • Should I Tell The Producer At The Audition That I Like Their Previous Projects?

    with Shaked Berenson. Producer | Entreprenuer | Partner, Be Capital Group

    Does it look fake to the producer at the audition if I say I like their previous projects?
    How can I talk smartly about previous projects with a producer in an audition without soundin...