Shaan Sharma

Shaan Sharma

Since relocating to Los Angeles in 2007, Shaan Sharma has quickly grown into one of the most respected and sought-after educators for on-camera acting craft, acting business knowledge, and career strategy.

Shaan is a working Commercial and Theatrical SAG-AFTRA Actor, booking over 40 top network TV shows and films, and 30 national commercials in the last 5 years. He is a top Casting Session Director for 45 L.A. Casting Directors over 10 years, casting 400+ projects.

He is a Backstage Expert Contributing Writer with 50+ published advice articles for actors and author of acclaimed book, “Commercial Acting in L.A.: A Session Director’s Guide.” Available at Samuel French and everywhere online including: -

He is also an On-Camera Acting Teacher, Private Coach, and Founder of The Storytellers Conservatory.

He serves as a SAG-AFTRA Los Angeles Local Board of Directors Member, National Board Replacement, and is Chair of the SAG-AFTRA Los Angeles Conservatory Subcommittees on Curriculum and Faculty, Commercial & Theatrical.

He is also a University of Southern California’s School of Dramatic Arts, Guest Lecturer for Kevin McCorkle.
Facebook: Shaan Sharma

Type any question you have about acting, and you'll find the answer you need provided by experts, educators, working actors, and/or SAG-AFTRA board members working in the industry today.

Please email [email protected] with any question that has not been answered and we will add the answer ASAP.

Shaan Sharma
  • How Do I Get An Audition For An AFI Film Through SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Can I get an audition for an AFI film?
    How can I be noticed by an AFI director?
    What is Iactor?
    How can I get on I-Actor?
    How do I get an audition for an AFI movie?
    Any tips on getting auditi...

  • What Do I Do Once I Get An Auditon For An AFI Film Through SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    What do I need to do once I get an auditon for an AFI film through SAG conservatory?
    Where do I go to audition for AFI movies?
    Can you tell me how to audition for an AFI film?
    I want to be in...

  • When Do I Get The Footage From My SAG Conservatory AFI Film?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Can I get the footage from my SAG conservatory AFI film?
    How do I get a copy of my SAG conservatory AFI film?
    Will I be able to get footage from a SAG conservatory AFI film?
    Do the SAG conser...

  • Do I Get Paid For Being In AFI Films Through SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Why do an AFI film?
    Why would I do an AFI films?
    Why am I not being paid for this AFI film?
    Why are the AFI students not paying me?
    Can I be paid for an AFI film?

  • Do AFI Films Through SAG Conservatory Get IMDB Accreditation?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Can I AFI films get IMDB accreditation?
    Why isn't my AFI film on IMDB?
    Will this AFI film be on IMDB?
    Why do I not have an IMDB credit from my AFI film?
    Are AFI filmes on IMDB?

  • Do AFI Films Through SAG Conservatory Get Submitted To Festivals?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Why isn't my AFI film getting submitted to festivals?
    What is an AFI thesis film?
    Should I do an AFI thesis film?
    Should I do an AFI educational film?
    Will any one see my AFI film?

  • Can I Be Cast In AFI Films Without The SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Must I be a member of SAG conservatory to get cast in AFI?
    How do I get cast at AFI without membership?
    Must I become a member to be in an AFI film?
    To be in an AFI film must I be a member of...

  • What Do I Get For Being In An AFI Film Through SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Why do an AFI film?
    What are the benefits of being in an AFI film?
    Can I be paid for an AFI film?
    What kind of films do AFI make?
    Do I get footage from an AFI film?

  • Do I Have To Audition For AFI films - Can't They Cast Me Off My Demo Reel?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Why do they make us audition for AFI films?
    Can I get straight offers for AFI films?
    Can I be cast off demo reels for AFI films?
    Do I have to audition for an AFI short?
    Do I have to self tap...

  • Where Is The Los Angeles SAG-AFTRA Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Where is the SAG-AFTRA conservatory?
    How do I find the SAG-AFTRA conservatory?
    Where do I find SAG conservatory?
    Why is the SAG conservatory at AFI?
    Are all SAG conservatory events at AFI?

  • Where Is The Los Angeles SAG-AFTRA Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Where do I go to see the Los Angeles SAG-AFTRA conservatory?
    Where is the SAG-AFTRA conservatory?
    Is the the Los Angeles SAG-AFTRA conservatory in Los Angeles?
    Is the SAG-AFTRA conservatory i...

  • How Do I Join The LA SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Can I join the SAG conservatory?
    Where do I sign up for the SAG conservatory?
    How can I join the SAG conservatory?
    How much is the SAG conservatory?
    Should I join the SAG conservatory?
    What i...

  • Can I Do Self Tapes Through The L.A. SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Is there a self tape program through SAG conservatory?
    Why is no-one available to film my self tape at SAG conservatory?
    How do I do a self tape at SAG conservatory?
    What is the availability ...

  • What Is I-Actor Through SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Should I be on I-Actor?
    How do I get on I-Actor?
    Is I-Actor for me?
    What is I-Actor for?
    How do I use I-Actor?
    Why I-Actor?
    Do I need to get I-Actor?
    Why would I need to get I-Actor?
    Is I-Act...

  • Does SAG-AFTRA Conservatory Offer Free Commercial Training Classes?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    How much is the SAG Conservatory?
    What does it cost to do commercial classes at the SAG conservatory?
    Are SAG conservatory classes free?
    Should I do a commercial cl...

  • Can I Be Too Experienced For The SAG Conservatory?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Can working actors use the SAG conservatory?
    Is the SAG conservatory only for beginners?
    I am a beginner, is the SAG conservatory for me?
    Who is the SAG conservatory for?
    Who goes to the sag ...

  • How Long Does My Membership With SAG Conservatory Last?

    with Shaan Sharma, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    How long is my membership for SAG conservatory?
    What is the length of SAG conservatory membership?
    Is the fee for SAG conservatory for life?
    How long does the fee for SAG conservatory last?

  • Why Doesn't The Commercial Casting Director Remember Me?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Is it bad the commercial CD doesn't remember me?
    How can I build a rapport with a commercial casting director?
    Why does the commercial casting director not know my ...

  • Should I Sign In/Out Accurately On A Commercial Casting Director's Sign In?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Can I charge casting for going over time?
    Who pays the fee for going over time at a commercial casting?
    Who pays the fee for going over time at a commercial call ba...

  • Should I Pay For A Workshop With A Commercial Casting Director?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Why would I do a commercial casting workshop?
    Will I get auditions out of a commercial casting workshop?
    Is there any point in doing commercial casting workshops?

  • Can I Organise Go-Sees With Commercial Casting Directors?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    How can I get a go-see with commercial casting directors?
    Will commercial casting directors agree to go-sees?
    What is a go-see?
    How do I get a go-see with a casting...

  • How Important Is Training For Commercial Castings?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Does my acting education improve my audition hit rate commercially?
    Do commerical casting directors care about my training?
    Do commercial agents care about training...

  • How Important Is Improvisation In Commercial Castings?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    Should I improve my improv skills for commercial castings?
    Why is improv helpful in commercial castings?
    Why does casting look for improvisation experience for comm...

  • My Commercial Casting Went Really Badly - Should I Tell My Agent?

    With Shaan Sharma, Storytellers Conservatory, Working Actor, Educator, Casting Pro, & Union Leader

    I bombed, do I tell my commercial agent?
    I'm worried a damages a relationship with a casting director, do I tell my agent?
    How honest should I be with my agent abou...