THE JOURNEY - Course 2A | Marketing Materials That Get You Auditions
JL2 | Marketing Materials That Get You Auditions
1h 32m
As the first point of contact with filmmakers and casting directors, your marketing materials are an extension of yourself and an indication of your level of professionalism. Get clear knowledge on how to make your entire acting toolkit match that of any top-working actor in the industry.
We will discuss:
- Headshots
- Resumes
- Demo Reels (Briefly as
- Marketing Strategies
- Your Network
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Up Next in JL2 | Marketing Materials That Get You Auditions
THE JOURNEY - Course 2B | How To Buil...
In Course 2B of the SAS Journey, Learn the specific parameters of building an industry standard acting reel and the small tweaks you can make to your existing reel to ensure you present yourself as a performer to be taken seriously.
In this course, we cover:
What is an acting reel?
The differen...