Moving to LA

Moving to LA

Where to live, how to drive, how to find friends, groceries, phones, and anything else you may need.

Moving to LA
  • Intro to Moving to LA

    Get ready to jump into the big pond!

    We take your through our essential hints and tips to moving, surviving & thriving in the dog eat dog world of lalaland. From where to live, to where to drink, and where to meet people - we got you covered with this collection.

  • Comparing Industries: L.A. NY, Vancouver, Toronto, Atlanta, Australia & London

    This video breaks down the similarities and differences between the key English speaking markets of L.A. New York, Vancouver, Toronto, Atlanta, Australia and London.

  • What Is The Process Of Getting A License In LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Where do I go to get a license?
    Do I need to taking a driving test?
    Is their a written driving test I have to take to get license?
    Is the driving test hard in Los An...

  • What Are Some Traps New Actors To LA Might Face?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Are there new traps new actors to LA face?
    Any warnings for new actors in LA?
    Are there common mistakes new actors to LA always make?
    What should I watch out for whe...

  • Where Are The Best Places To Live In LA When First Arriving?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Where should I live in LA?
    When getting to know LA, where should I live?
    Is their a central place to live in LA?
    Where do new arrivals tend to live in LA
    What is the...

  • Do I Need A Car In LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Should I buy a car for LA?
    Do I need to rent a car in LA?
    Should I sublease a car in LA?
    Are cars a necessity in LA?
    Would you say a car is an absolute for living in...

  • How Can I Build A Support Network Quickly After Moving To LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    How can I build a network when I get to LA?
    Is it easy to build a network when moving to LA?
    Where can I build a network when I get to LA?
    Any tips on building a net...

  • What Is Australians In Film?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    What does Australians In Film Do?
    Should I subscribe to Australians In Film?
    Is Australians In Film worth it?
    What do I get out of Australians In Film?
    Is Australian...

  • How Much Money Do You Recommend I Save Before Moving To LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    How much money should I save before moving to LA?
    How much money do I need to set myself up in LA?
    When setting myself up in LA, how much money do I need?
    What kind ...

  • I Can't Do An American Accent, Is Moving To LA Right For Me?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Should I learn an american accent before I move to LA?
    Is it better to learn an american accent once I'm in LA?
    Where can I learn an american accent?
    Should I move t...

  • Is LA The Best Place To Move As An Actor Or Would You Recommend Other Markets?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Should I move to LA to be an actor?
    Should I move to NY to be an actor?
    Should I move to US to be an actor?
    What is the busiest acting market in the states?
    Should I...

  • I Have No Acting Credits, Am I Ready To Move To LA Yet?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Am I too green to move to LA?
    Should beginner actors move to LA?
    Can I develop as a beginning actor in LA?
    Is LA right for a beginner actor?
    Is LA too competitive fo...

  • What Are The Best Places To Meet Like Minded Industry Pros If I'm New In LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Where do I meet industry people in LA?
    How do I network with industry people in LA?
    In LA, how do I meet industry people?
    In LA, how do i network?
    When I move to LA,...

  • Are There Any Great Apps Where I Can Get Freebies In LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    What is 1iota?
    Can I get free tickets to live sitcom tapings?
    Where can I get free tickets to live sitcom tapings?
    Can I get free tickets to shows?
    How do I become a...

  • What Is The Best Way To Transfer Money From Home To An American Bank Account?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    What is the cheapest way to send money internationally?
    What is the most effective way to send money internationally?
    How do I send money from home to a US account?

  • What Are Some Great Ways To Save Money Living In LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Any tips to save money while living in LA?
    How can I be economic when living in LA?
    Any way i can be economical in LA?
    How can I prevent massive expenditure when liv...

  • Which Bank Is The Best One In America To Open An Account With?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Should I bank with Wells Fargo?
    Should I bank with Bank of America?
    Should I get a card with Capitol One?
    Should I bank with Citi Bank?
    Which is the best bank to ope...

  • Can I Use My Foreign License To Drive In LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Do I need to get a US driver's license?
    How long can I drive on my foreign license in LA?
    Do I need a different license depending on what state I am living in?
    Does ...

  • How Do I Build Credit In LA As A Foreigner?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Do I need credit when moving to the US?
    How do I get good credit?
    How do I get bad credit?
    What is credit?
    Should I get credit?
    Where do I get credit?
    What does 'bui...

  • How Am I Meant To Get An Apartment In LA If I Can't Build Credit?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    How do I lease without credit?
    How do I rent an apartment without credit?
    Without credit how do I rent?
    Can I rent without credit?
    How do I prove my credit without h...

  • Is It OK To Buy Things From Craigslist?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Is Craigslist a good source to buy things?
    Is Craigslist good?
    Should I use Craigslist?
    What is Craigslist?
    Is Craigslist reliable?
    Do you think Craigslist is trustw...

  • What Is The Best Area To Live in LA For Auditions & Networking?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Do you recommend a place to live in LA?
    Is WEHO the best place to live in LA for auditions?
    Is Hollywood the best place to live in LA for auditions?
    Is Santa Monica ...

  • What Are The Dangerous Areas I Should Avoid In LA?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Where should I not live in LA?
    Where should I not go in LA?
    What areas of LA should I avoid?
    Are there areas I should avoid in LA?
    In LA, are there places I should ...

  • Should I Buy Or Rent A Car In LA If I'm On A Short Term Visa?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Should I rent a car if I am on a 3 month visa?
    Should I rent a car if I am on a 6 month visa?
    Should I rent a car if I am on a year visa?
    Should I rent a car if I am...