Managing Negative Emotions

Managing Negative Emotions

Learn tools for managing negativity, depression, nerves, anxiety, and procrastination. This section focuses on reducing the yucky feelings most actors encounter in their pursuit of a career in film and TV.

Managing Negative Emotions
  • Intro to Managing Negative Emotions

    Mindset is key to longevity in this industry. This section is all about strategy to push beyond those unhelpful thoughts.

    1. Identifying negative forces
    2. Why does entertainment breed a negative mindset?
    3. Overcoming it

  • How Do I Stay Optimistic When Bad Actors Are Getting Roles Over Me?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Am I a bad actor if a bad actor beats me to a role?
    Why am I not b...

  • I Have Actors Friends & Their Success Makes Me Feel Down On Myself. Help!

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    How can I keep up with my peers?
    I'm getting depressed because all my friends are doing better than me - what do I do?
    Do my friends look down on me for not being as successful as them?

  • I'm Losing My Passion For Acting, How Do I Get It Back?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    How can I get my passion for acting back?
    How do I reclaim my pass...

  • How Can I Act From A Place Of Relaxation In An Audition Environment?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    How do I stay relaxed in auditions?
    How do I overcome nerves in th...

  • I am Still Auditioning For Co-Stars - How Do I Stay Positive?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Why am I auditioning for co-star if I have played lead?
    Why should...

  • How Do I Stay Positive When There Are No Auditions Around?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    Kevin explains that audition activity lulls are normal for actors and shares some tips on how to navigate them smoothly.

    SAS Resources:

  • How Can I Commit To Self Tapes When I Keep Thinking No-One Will Watch?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Are my self tapes being watched?
    How do I know my self tapes are b...

  • Should I Keep My Auditions Secret From My Actor Friends?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Should I share audition details with friends?
    Should I hide auditi...

  • My Resume Doesn't Stack Up To Others My Age - Help!

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    My resume is small compared to my contemporaries, is it over for m...

  • Is It Bad That I Feel Jealous Of My Successful Friends?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Why am I jealous of my actor friends?
    Am I a bad person to be jeal...

  • I Have Actor Friends & Their Success Makes Me Feel Down On Myself. Help!

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    How do I manage my self-esteem when everyone is doing better than ...

  • The Breakdown Says The Character I Am Auditioning For Is Ugly, What Should I Do?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    Kevin advises that regardless of our physical presence, we all have ways to be ugly that have nothing to do with our physical appearance. He shares strategies we can use when a...

  • How Do I Stop Comparing Myself To Others In Audition Waiting Rooms?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    How do I stop psyching myself out in waiting rooms?
    Why do I sabot...

  • Why Do I Convince Myself I Am Not Right For Every Character I Audition For?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Why do I talk myself out of auditions?
    Why do I tear myself down b...

  • I'm Told I'll Never Make It, How Do I Combat Expressions Of My Deepest Fears?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    People tell me to give up, should I?
    Should I give up if people te...

  • I Have A Mental Illness, Is Acting Right For Me?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Can you act if you have a mental illness?
    Is it safe to be an acto...

  • I Have Nothing Coming Up, How Do I Stay Positive?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Any tips on staying positive when things are slow?
    Work is slow, h...

  • I Don't Feel I Look Perfect Enough, How Can I Learn To Accept Myself?

    Kevin E. West, Veteran TV Actor, Consultant, International Education Speaker

    SAS Resources:

    Watch this video on the SAS iPhone App here:

    Am I too ugly to be an actor?
    Am I not pretty enough to be an acto...

  • Is It Bad That I Feel Jealous Of My Successful Friends?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Why am I jealous of other actors?
    How can I stop being jealous of other actors?
    What is jealousy telling me about my career?
    How can I manage my jealousy of other actors?
    Am I a bad pers...

  • I Have A Mental Illness, Is Acting Right For Me?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Will I hurt myself as a mentally ill person by pursuing acting?
    Is mental illness possible to manage within an acting career?
    Can trauma be used in a healthy way in my acting career?

  • A Lot Of My Acting Friends Are Negative, How Do I Help Without Getting Down?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    How can I avoid negativity with friends that are down?
    Ant tips in not getting down with friends that are negative?
    Should I stay away from actors that are negative?
    How can I lift other...

  • Should I Keep My Auditions Secret From My Actor Friends?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Should I hide my auditions schedule from other actors?
    Will my actor friends take my opportunity if I tell them about my auditions?
    Do actors steal auditions?
    Will my actor friends call ...

  • I Was Edited Out Of A Movie / TV Show / Ad - Am I The Worst Actor In The World?

    With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.

    Why was I edited out?
    Was I edited out because I'm a bad actor?
    How do I manage my embarrassment after being edited out of a film?
    Why are actors edited out sometimes?
    Should I give up a...