What % Of Actors Auditioned Are Working Actors VS New Talent?
Lisa Zambetti (Interview)
with Lisa Zambetti, CSA
Artios Nominated Casting Director | Criminal Minds
What percentage of actors you audition are working actors with impressive resumes?
What percentage of actors do you know?
Do you ever seen unknown actors?
Do you see mostly new actors for auditions?
Do you mostly see known actors for projects?
What is the rate of experienced actors to new actors would you see for a single project?
How many new actors do you see for a role?
How many new actors vs professional actors would you see for each role?
How many new actors vs working actors do you see?
What’s the percentage of new actors vs working actors that you audition?
How many new actors do you see for a role?
How many actors you already know are in the casting process?
Do you see many new actors when casting?
When casting, how many new actors vs working actors will you see?
Do you trust new talent when casting?
How many new talent will you see for a role?
How much new talent will you have in for a role?
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