How Do You Feel About Actors Sending A Thank You Present When You Hire Them?
Kahleen Crawford (Interview)
1m 39s
Kahleen Crawford, Casting Director
CDGA Winning Casting Director (Outlaw/King; I, Daniel Blake)
Do you like actors sending a thank you present when you hire them?
Do you expect actors sending a thank you present when you hire them?
What are your thoughts on thank you card presents from actors?
Are thank you presents from actors expected?
Are thank you presents from actors frowned upon?
Does Kahleen Crawford like thank you presents after an actor books?
Do actors have to give thank you presents to casting?
Is it expected to give casting directors thank you presents?
Do casting directors expect thank you presents?
Do I buy presents for casting if I book a job?
If I book a job do I need to buy casting a present?
How many money do I spend on a thank you presents for casting?
How expensive a gift will casting expect per booking?
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