Finding Your Own Auditions

Finding Your Own Auditions

There are many strategies, places and ways to find or get auditions... they are all listed here in this empowering section. Don't forget - this is your career... noone else will hand you opportunities or success - you must go out and grab it for yourself!

Type any question you have about acting, and you'll find the answer you need provided by experts, educators, working actors, and/or SAG-AFTRA board members working in the industry today.

Please email [email protected] with any question that has not been answered and we will add the answer ASAP.

Finding Your Own Auditions
  • Intro to Finding Your Own Auditions

    A career is based a network. Do not rest on your laurels, you have to get out there and look.

    1. Why do I need to find my own work if I have an agent?
    2. Pro-active marketing
    3. Commission structures

  • THE JOURNEY - Course 5 | Audition Mastery

    Course 5 of the Secret Actor Society Journey covers how to effectively:
    - Break down a script
    - Become a character
    - Learn lines
    - Build your self-tape setup
    - Shoot a self-tape that stands out
    - Edit your audition in a way that ensures it is completely professional - all on your cell phone.


  • When I'm Finding My Own Auditions, What Is My Most Important Tool?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    What sets me apart?
    What is the most valuable thing about me that will book my auditions?
    What sets me apart?
    What is my most important asset?
    What is my best trait as an actor?
    What makes me unique as a performer?

  • When I'm Finding My Own Auditions, What Is My Most Important Tool?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How important is a good headshot?
    Will casting watch my demo reel on a submission?
    Should I leave ca...

  • How Can I Find My Own Auditions?

    A list of the top legitimate self-submission sites can be found here:

    Other versions of this question might be:

    How can I get hired as an actor?
    How do I get cast?
    What is the best way to solicit filmmakers?
    What does self submission ...

  • How Can I Find My Own Auditions?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    How do I find auditions myself?
    Where can I find my own auditions?
    What websites can I find my own auditions?
    Any tips on finding auditions?
    How can I find auditions?
    Where do I find my own auditions?
    Can I find my ow...

  • How Can I Get Or Find More Auditions?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What are the reasons why I'm not getting auditions?
    How can I improve my marketing materials to get m...

  • Where Do I Find Auditions / Acting Jobs?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    How do I find auditions?
    Where can I find audition?
    What kind of auditions should I look for?
    What can I do to find auditions?
    Where to look for good auditions?
    Where are auditions?
    How do I get acting work?
    Where do I...

  • How Do I Find My Own Voice Over Auditions?

    with David H. Lawrence XVII, Actor, storytelling coach, technologist | | Rehearsal® Pro

    What websites are good for finding voice over work?
    Can I find my own voice over auditions?
    How do I know what a good jobs or bad jobs on ASX?
    Are websites valu...

  • How Can I Use Twitter Or Instagram To Find Acting Work or Auditions?

    With Ben Whitehair, CIO, TSMA | Founder, Working.Actor | SAG-AFTRA Board Member

    Ben explains how you can leverage social media and use the amazing tool to build genuine relationships with people

    Work with TSMA Consulting & use code 'SAS' for $10 off


  • How Can I Find Extra Or Background Work?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Why should I sign up for Central Casting?
    How do I sign up for Central Casting?
    Is their a joining f...

  • How Can I Find Work Or Get More Auditions For Sitcoms?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Do I need to train to be on a sitcom?
    How can I get a sitcom role?
    Where can I train so casting direc...

  • What Can I Do To Book More Roles At My Auditions?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Why am I not booking?
    Why am I not getting call backs?
    How can I better at auditions?
    How can I be mo...

  • Pitch Yourself to a Filmmaker

    Pitch Yourself to a Filmmaker

  • Where Can I Find Auditions For My Child?

    with Karen Workman, Mother of Actors, Life Coach, Author of 'Baby Steps To Hollywood'

    What websites are good for fining auditions for children?
    Any tips on finding auditions for child actors?
    Is Facebook safe to look for auditions for children?
    Where do i find auditi...

  • Research Where Your Local Film Schools Find Talent

  • Pitch Yourself For 3 Upcoming Projects

    Pitch Yourself For 3 Upcoming Projects

  • Do Real Casting Offices Hold Open Call Auditions?

  • After Finding An Audition, What Are Some Tips To Stand Out When Self Submitting?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    What can I do to standout to casting?
    How do I stand out to casting?
    What can I do on my profile to stand out?
    What should I do t stand out to casting?
    What could I do with my look to stand out?
    Help me stand out when ...

  • I Don't Have Representation - What Can I Do?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    I don't have representation but I know which Casting Director is casting this role I'm perfect for - what can I do?
    Can I communicate directly with casting?
    How do I be professional without representation?
    I don't have...

  • Does Casting Hire Non-Union Actors?

    With Ben Whitehair, CIO, TSMA | Founder, Working.Actor | SAG-AFTRA Executive Vice President

    Ben explains that depending on the size of the project non-union actors can still be hired for certain roles.

    Work with TSMA Consulting & use code 'SAS' for $10...

  • Should I Pay To Do Casting Or Agent/Manager Showcases?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    Should I do a manager showcase?
    Any point to an agent showcase?
    What will I get out of a showcase?
    Should I pay for a showcase?
    Should I meet casting via a showcase?
    Would you recommend showcases to meet agents and man...

  • How Much Do The Casting Websites Cost To Join For Finding My Own Auditions?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    How much is Actors Access?
    How much are casting websites?
    What is the cost to look for my own auditions?
    What is the cheapest way I can find auditions?
    How much should I expect to pay for finding auditions?
    How much is...

  • What Are The Differences In The Casting Websites When Finding My Own Auditions?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What is breakdown services?
    Which casting service does my agent and manager use most?
    Why do some projects feature on actors access?