What Are Some Dos & Don't For Actor Demoreels?
Filmmakers On Selecting Actors
2m 1s
Kate Dennis
Film Director | The Handmaid’s Tale, Run, Offspring, Turn, Glow
What makes an effective demo reel?
What should I not do in my demo reel?
What should I avoid in my demo reel?
What makes a great demo reel?
Is my demo reel good enough?
Is my demo reel effective?
How can I put together an effective demo reel?
What makes an eye catching demo reel?
Any tips on demo reels?
What should I put on a demo reel?
Up Next in Filmmakers On Selecting Actors
Do You Ever Watch Unsolicited self ta...
Kate Dennis
Film Director | The Handmaid’s Tale, Run, Offspring, Turn, GlowWould Kate Dennis ever watch a tape she did not ask for?
Is Kate Dennis open to unsolicited self tape?
If I send a self tape to a film director, do you think they will watch it?
Will directors watch a blind submission?
I... -
Do You Teach Any Classes?
Kate Dennis
Film Director | The Handmaid’s Tale, Run, Offspring, TurnIs Kate Dennis teaching any classes at this time?
Is Kate Dennis teaching actors at this time?
Any classes with Kate Dennis coming up?
Is Kate Dennis teaching soon?
What classes are you teaching at this time Kate Dennis?