

Facebook is the world's largest social media platform - used monthly by 2.38 billion people. That's close to 1/3 of the worlds population. Learn from TSMA's Social Media pro and business of acting coach Ben Whitehair tips on how to cut through the noise and use Facebook to network, market yourself, stay connected and promote projects you are involved with.

Type any question you have about acting, and you'll find the answer you need provided by experts, educators, working actors, and/or SAG-AFTRA board members working in the industry today.

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  • How To Organize Your Friends On Facebook

    How To Organize Your Friends On Facebook

  • THE JOURNEY - Course 8 | Social Media, Press & Your Public Image

    How to put together your public profiles, branding, and social media to ensure you grow and nurture a following and public image that brands, networks and studios are eager to align with. This class also covers working with publicists and appropriate strategies to gain your own publicity for pro...

  • What Photo Should I Use For My Facebook Profile Picture & Banner?

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com | Actor & Filmmaker

    What is the right kind of Facebook profile pic?
    What should I post on my Facebook banner?
    Should I go personal or professional for my facebook br...

  • Why Curate Your Facebook Friends List

    Why Curate Your Facebook Friends List

  • How Can I Expand My Network Using Facebook?

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com | Actor & Filmmaker

    What are groups on Facebook?
    How can I use groups on Facebook to make my follower number grow?
    What kind of Facebook groups are right for me?

  • What Are The Better Posts For Actors To Post On Facebook?

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com | Actor & Filmmaker

    What am I allowed to post on Facebook?
    What should I post on my Facebook Actor page?
    What kind of things should I post on Facebook?
    What posts sh...

  • Is It OK If I Post The Same Content Across Facebook, Twitter & Instagram?

    With Ben Whitehair, CIO, TSMA | Founder, Working.Actor | SAG-AFTRA Executive Vice President

    Ben explains that the quality of the content you post is of major importance when deciding to post the same content across your social media accounts. He gives so...

  • Can My Social Media - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook - Cost Me A Job?

    What should I be careful of on social media?
    How can being off brand affect my career?
    If I get political on social media, is it good or bad?
    Are sexy photos bad for my brand?
    How can branding guide my social media?

  • How Can I Delete Inappropriate Photos People Have Uploaded Of Me On Facebook?

    with Darren Farnborough, Actor & Producer | Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition

    How do I stop people posting photos of me?
    Is there a way to restrict what my friends post about me?
    How do I remove tags?
    How do I stop people from posting pics of me?
    Why are people posting pictures ...

  • Will Casting Directors Respond To Messages On Twitter, Instagram or Facebook?

    With Blair Hickey & Brian Wold, Founders of CastingAbout

    Can I message casting on twitter?
    Can I use instagram to connect with casting?
    Can I DM casting?
    Can I send message on FB to casting directors?
    Can I tweet @ casting?

  • My Name Is Taken On Instagram / Twitter / Facebook - What Should I Use?

    with Ryan Basham, Coach, Trainer & Speaker, Political Analyst & Activist

    What name should I use on social media?
    Does my name on social media fit my branding?
    What are some alts for my name on social media?
    My name is taken on twitter - help!
    Someone already uses my name on in...

  • I Have Old Facebook Posts That Are Embarrasing! Help!

    with Darren Farnborough, Actor & Producer | Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com

    How do I delete old Facebook posts?
    How do I hide old Facebook posts?
    Is there a quick way to delete old Facebook posts?
    Can I keep old Facebook posts but make it so no-one else can see it?
    How do ...

  • Some Friends Are Posting Offensive Things & Tagging Me On Facebook! Help!

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com | Actor & Filmmaker

    How do I remove tags from offensive posts?
    How can I stop people from posting offensive people and tagging me?
    How do I stop offensive content fr...

  • Are Facebook Live And Instagram Stories Good To Practice Hosting?

    with Forbes Riley, Actor | Host | Producer | Coach
    The Forbes Factor

    Does practice make perfect?
    Should I start hosting on FB live?
    Should I start hosting on Instagram?
    Should I start hosting on Twitch?
    Should I start hosting via social media?

  • Should I Facebook Recent Headshots For Family & Friends To Pick The Best Ones?

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com | Actor & Filmmaker

    Are family and friends a good measure for choosing the right headshot?
    Who should guide me on the right headshot picture?
    Why do actors post head...

  • Why Do Well Known Actors Use A Fake Name On Facebook?

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com | Actor & Filmmaker

    Should I use a fake name on Facebook?
    Why do people use fake names on Facebook?
    Why can't I find celebrities on Facebook?
    How can I connect with ...

  • Can I Post My Self Tapes To Facebook To Show My Friends & Family?

    with Darren Darnborough, Co-Founder & CEO of WeAudition.com | Actor & Filmmaker

    Are self tapes allowed on social media?
    Why aren't self tapes OK to post on social media?
    Is it OK to post self tapes on social media?
    Should I p...