THE JOURNEY - Course 2B | How To Build A Professional Acting Reel
Demo Reel
2h 2m
In Course 2B of the SAS Journey, Learn the specific parameters of building an industry standard acting reel and the small tweaks you can make to your existing reel to ensure you present yourself as a performer to be taken seriously.
In this course, we cover:
What is an acting reel?
The different types of reels
Who watches reels
How acting reels are used in the industry
Where to get reel footage
How to manage your footage
Scene selection, editing, and title cards
The most effective structure of a reel
Performance, production quality, sound
Editing tricks to create flow within the reel
Why music and soundtrack are critically important
Other types of reels: Commercial / Voice / Stunt / Fight / Special Skills
Use of self tapes
Single character type clips
Use of individual scenes
Where to share your reel and clips online
Up Next in Demo Reel
Film Your 3 Demo Reel Scenes
Let's get started in this video with some tips to help you with this task.
Self Tapes Reels:
1. Perfect your lighting
2. Balancing sound
3. Eye lines
4. Backdrop
5. WardrobeFilmed Reels:
1. Professional expectations
2. Choosing the actor opposite
3. Beware unfunny comedy
4. Night shoot vs day... -
Create Your Own Demo Reel Scene
Instead of a self tape reel, some actors invest money into demo reel companies to create content specific for marketing. This section talks through the pros, cons and value of this marketing tool.
Can I Ask Advice On My Demo Reel At A...
With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.
www.ActingResourceGuru.comCan I get feedback on my reel at a casting workshop?
How can I get feedback on my marketing materials at a casting workshop?
Can I show the CD my demo reel at the casting workshop?
Can I...