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Watch this video and more on Secret Actor Society

Do You Attend Live Theater Or Comedy Shows Often?

Chris Roe Management • 50s

Up Next in Chris Roe Management

  • How Is Your Office Structured & Who D...

    with Chris Roe, Manager | Director | Producer

    How is CRM structured and who does what?
    How many people work at CRM?
    How many people work at a management office?
    How many managers are at Chris Roe Management?
    How many people work for Chris Roe?
    How many are employe...

  • What Do You Respond To Most When Peop...

    with Chris Roe, Manager | Director | Producer

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    How do I pitch myself in manager meetings?
    How should I pitch my self in a meeting with a manager?

  • Do You Attend Actor Showcases & Have ...

    with Chris Roe, Manager | Director | Producer

    Would you attend an actor showcases to sign someone?
    Would you attend actor showcases to sign new actors?
    Have you every signed someone from attending an actor showcase?
    Would you consider signing someone you see at a s...