If The Casting Director Doesn't Recognise Me, What Do I Do?
Casting Directors
With Ajarae Coleman, Working Actor, Master Coach, Founder of Acting Resource Guru.
Is it rude to remind a casting director we have met when they don't remember me?
If a casting director doesn't remember me, should I remind them?
Why doesn't casting director remember me?
If a casting director doesn't remember me, do they hate me?
Why do casting directors not track who I am from audition to audition?
Should I remind the CD that we have met before?
Should I let the CD know that we have met before?
I've met the CD before, should I remind her / him?
Should I let casting know I have been into their office before if they do not recognize me?
If casting does not recognize me, should I remind them?
Up Next in Casting Directors
Should I Bring A Gift For The Casting...
With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society
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Should I Send A Thank You Present To ...
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Will commercial casting directors agree to go-sees?
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