Where Do You Find Readers For Your Audition Sessions?
Casting Directors On Selecting Actors
Kerry Barden, Casting Director CSA
Emmy nominated Casting Director | The Help, Spotlight, Dallas Buyers Club
Where do you look for readers?
Who read for your actors in auditions?
At auditions, who is the reader?
Can I be a reader for your auditions?
Where can I regifted to be a reader for auditions at CD offices?
Do you look for readers?
At auditions, where do the readers come from?
Can I help a CD with audition sessions?
How can I become a reader at a CD office?
Can I become a reader at a CD office?
Up Next in Casting Directors On Selecting Actors
Where Do You Find Readers For Your Au...
with David Newman, CGA
CGA Winning Casting Director
Dora the Explorer, Tidelands & The Family LawWhere do you look for readers?
Who read for your actors in auditions?
At auditions, who is the reader?
Can I be a reader for your auditions?
Where can I regifted to be a reader for auditions at... -
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How many actors would you audition for a project that you have never met?
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What percentage of actors do you know?
Do you ever seen unknown actors?
Do you see mostly new actors fo...