Casting Directors On Booking the Role

Casting Directors On Booking the Role

There are many factors that go into booking the role. In this Collection, Casting Directors give inside intel on how you can stand out from the pack.

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Casting Directors On Booking the Role
  • What Actors Have You Cast The Most & Why?

    Lisa Beach, Casting Director CSA
    Artios Award Winning Casting Director | Logan, Election, Wedding Crashers

    What can I do to impress Lisa Beach?
    What impresses Lisa Beach?
    What does Lisa Beach look for in an actor?
    What kind of actors are Lisa Beach most attracted too?

  • Do You Teach Any Classes?

    Lisa Beach, Casting Director CSA
    Artios Award Winning Casting Director | Logan, Election, Wedding Crashers

    Is Lisa Beach teaching any classes at this time?
    Is Lisa Beach teaching actors at this time?
    Any classes with Lisa Beach coming up?
    Is Lisa Beach teaching soon?
    What Classes Are You Teachin...

  • What Are Some Tips For Actors When They Are On A Film Or TV Set?

    Lisa Beach, Casting Director CSA
    Artios Award Winning Casting Director | Logan, Election, Wedding Crashers

    Do you have tips for actors when they are working on set?
    What can I do to be a better actor when I'm on set?
    Do the casting directors have some tips on what I can do to be rebooked after w...

  • How Many Actors Do You Usually Present To The Filmmakers For Each Role?

    How many actors will you show the filmmakers?
    How many actors will be shown to a film maker?
    How many actors will you submit to producers?
    How many actors will you show to a tv producer?
    How many selections will you show to a prodcucer or director?
    How many are shortlisted for a role and shows to...

  • How Much Input Do You Feel You Have In The Final Casting Decisions?

    Lisa Beach, Casting Director CSA
    Artios Award Winning Casting Director | Logan, Election, Wedding Crashers

    How much say do you have in the final casting decision?
    Do you get a say in the final casting decision?
    Does casting have a say in the final decision?
    Do casting directors get a say in the ...

  • How Many Actors Do You See In The Room & On Tape For Each Role?

    Lisa Beach, Casting Director CSA
    Artios Award Winning Casting Director | Logan, Election, Wedding Crashers

    How many actors do you see for a role?
    How many do you see in the casting room and on tape for each role?
    How many will you see on tape for each role?
    How many actors go on tape for each ...

  • If An Actor Truly Bombs An Audition, Should They Reach Out To Apologize?

    Lisa Beach, Casting Director CSA
    Artios Award Winning Casting Director | Logan, Election, Wedding Crashers

    I bombed my audition - what should I do?
    Should I apologize to casting about a bad audition?
    After a bad audition, should I apologize?
    Should I check in with casting if I bomb an audition?

  • How Do You Feel About Actors Sending A Thank You Present When You Hire Them?

    Lisa Beach, Casting Director CSA
    Artios Award Winning Casting Director | Logan, Election, Wedding Crashers

    Does Lisa Beach like thank you presents after an actor books?
    Do actors have to give thank you presents to casting?
    Is it expected to give casting directors thank you presents?
    Do casting d...

  • How Many Actors Do Casting Directors Present To Filmmakers For Each Role?

    Ronnie Yeskel, CSA
    Artios Award Winner | Pulp Fiction, The Session, Curb Your Enthusiasm

    How many actors per role are seen by the director?
    How many actors go to producer session?
    What is the number tapes that you pass onto a filmmaker per role?
    How many actors will you see and then pass on to ...

  • How Much Input Do You Feel You Have In The Final Casting Decisions?

    Ronnie Yeskel, CSA
    Artios Award Winner | Pulp Fiction, The Session, Curb Your Enthusiasm

    How much say do you have in the final casting decision?
    Do you get a say in the final casting decision?
    Does casting have a say in the final decision?
    Do casting directors get a say in the final decision?

  • What Gifts Do You Love & Not Love?

    Ronnie Yeskel, CSA
    Artios Award Winner | Pulp Fiction, The Session, Curb Your Enthusiasm

    What gifts do you not like?
    What gifts are too much?
    Do you expect thank you gifts as a casting director?
    Are cards enough as a thank you gift to casting?
    Do cards look cheap from a casting director POV?

  • Do You Like When Actors Send Thank You Notes After An Audition?

    Ronnie Yeskel, CSA
    Artios Award Winner | Pulp Fiction, The Session, Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Do you expect an actor to follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
    Should actors follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
    Do casting directors expect an actor to follow up with a thank y...

  • How Do You Feel About Actors Sending A Thank You Present?

    Ronnie Yeskel, CSA
    Artios Award Winner | Pulp Fiction, The Session, Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Does Ronnie Yeskel like thank you presents after an actor books?
    Do actors have to give thank you presents to casting?
    Is it expected to give casting directors thank you presents?
    Do casting directors expec...

  • What Are Some Tips For Actors When They Are On A Film Or TV Set?

    Ronnie Yeskel, CSA
    Artios Award Winner | Pulp Fiction, The Session, Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Do you have tips for actors when they are working on set?
    What can I do to be a better actor when I'm on set?
    Do the casting directors have some tips on what I can do to be rebooked after working on set?

  • If An Actor Truly Bombs An Audition, Should They Reach Out To Apologize?

    with Carmen Aiello, Casting Director & Producer | Excision, Gunshot Straight & Corbin Nash

    I bombed my audition - what should I do?
    Should I apologize to casting about a bad audition?
    After a bad audition, should I apologize?
    Should I check in with casting if I bomb an audition?
    I bombed an audi...

  • Should An Actor Follow Up With You After An Audition?

    with Carmen Aiello, Casting Director & Producer | Excision, Gunshot Straight & Corbin Nash

    If I don't have an agent should I follow up with Carmen Aiello?
    Can I follow up with casting?
    Will a casting director take my call in the context of following up my audition with them?
    If my audition went ...

  • What Gifts Do You Love & Not Love?

    with Carmen Aiello, Casting Director & Producer | Excision, Gunshot Straight & Corbin Nash

    What gifts do you not like?
    What gifts are too much?
    Do you expect thank you gifts as a casting director?
    Are cards enough as a thank you gift to casting?
    Do cards look cheap from a casting director POV?...

  • What Are Some Tips For Actors When They Are On A Film Or TV Set?

    with Carmen Aiello, Casting Director & Producer | Excision, Gunshot Straight & Corbin Nash

    Do you have tips for actors when they are working on set?
    What can I do to be a better actor when I'm on set?
    Do the casting directors have some tips on what I can do to be rebooked after working on set?

  • Do You Like When Actors Send Thank You Notes After An Audition?

    Kahleen Crawford, Casting Director
    CDGA Winning Casting Director (Outlaw/King; I, Daniel Blake)

    Do you expect an actor to follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
    Should actors follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
    Do casting directors expect an actor to follow up with a t...

  • What Should A New Actor Do To Start A Career In A Professional Way?

    Kahleen Crawford, Casting Director
    CDGA Winning Casting Director (Outlaw/King; I, Daniel Blake)

    Any tips for new actors?
    Do you have any tips for new actors starting out?
    What are some steps for new actors in forging a career?
    What can new actors do to make a headway in this career?
    How can a ne...

  • How Do You Feel About Actors Sending A Thank You Present When You Hire Them?

    Kahleen Crawford, Casting Director
    CDGA Winning Casting Director (Outlaw/King; I, Daniel Blake)

    Do you like actors sending a thank you present when you hire them?
    Do you expect actors sending a thank you present when you hire them?
    What are your thoughts on thank you card presents from actors?

  • What Gifts Do You Love & Not Love?

    Kahleen Crawford, Casting Director
    CDGA Winning Casting Director (Outlaw/King; I, Daniel Blake)

    What gifts do you not like?
    What gifts are too much?
    Do you expect thank you gifts as a casting director?
    Are cards enough as a thank you gift to casting?
    Do cards look cheap from a casting director...

  • If An Actor Truly Bombs An Audition, Should They Reach Out To Apologize?

    Kahleen Crawford, Casting Director
    CDGA Winning Casting Director (Outlaw/King; I, Daniel Blake)

    I bombed my audition - what should I do?
    Should I apologize to casting about a bad audition?
    After a bad audition, should I apologize?
    Should I check in with casting if I bomb an audition?
    I bombed an...

  • What Gifts Do You Love & Not Love?

    with Lisa Zambetti, CSA
    Artios Nominated Casting Director | Criminal Minds

    What gifts do you not like?
    What gifts are too much?
    Do you expect thank you gifts as a casting director?
    Are cards enough as a thank you gift to casting?
    Do cards look cheap from a casting director POV?
    Should I be sen...