What Gifts Do You Love & Not Love?
Casting Directors On Booking the Role
John Frank Levey, Casting Director C.S.A
Emmy Winner | ER, The West Wing, Shameless
If you accepted gifts, what gifts would you like to receive?
What gifts do you like actors to give you after a booking?
What gifts should I buy casting directors?
What kind of presents should I buy to thank a casting director?
Are there any gifts that are right for thanking a casting director?
What kind of presents do actors buy to thank a casting director?
Are there any specific presents that are better than others to buy a CD?
What kind of things should I buy a CD to thank casting for booking me?
Up Next in Casting Directors On Booking the Role
If An Actor Truly Bombs An Audition, ...
John Frank Levey, Casting Director C.S.A
Emmy Winner | ER, The West Wing, Shameless -
Do You Like When Actors Send Thank Yo...
John Frank Levey, Casting Director C.S.A
Emmy Winner | ER, The West Wing, ShamelessDo you expect an actor to follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
Should actors follow up with a thank you note after an audition?
Do casting directors expect an actor to follow up with a thank you not... -
Have You Ever Hired An Actor From An ...
John Frank Levey, Casting Director C.S.A
Emmy Winner | ER, The West Wing, ShamelessHas an unsolicited tape ever led to a booking?
Have you booked from a tape you didn't ask for before?
Has your office hired actors from tapes you didn't request before?
Would you ever hire an actor from a tape th...