Bonus 1: Build Your Social Media

Bonus 1: Build Your Social Media

Building your social media can help you book independent low-budget and short-film projects. This section will show you how to get started with building your social media profiles and different strategies such as the best platforms to use for optimal exposure.

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Bonus 1: Build Your Social Media
  • Bonus 1. Social Media

  • THE JOURNEY - Course 8 | Social Media, Press & Your Public Image

    How to put together your public profiles, branding, and social media to ensure you grow and nurture a following and public image that brands, networks and studios are eager to align with. This class also covers working with publicists and appropriate strategies to gain your own publicity for pro...

  • Bonus 1. Build Your Social Media

  • How Do I Utilize Social Media Effectively?

    Pete Malicki, Playwright & Creative Career Coach

    Do you have tips on utilizing social media more effectively?
    What kind of tips do you have on utilizing social media more effectively?
    How can I utilize social media more eff...

  • Should I Use Social Media To Create My Own Content?

    With Ben Whitehair, CIO, TSMA | Founder, Working.Actor | SAG-AFTRA Executive Vice President

    Ben discusses using social media to create your own content and some of the benefits of doing this.

    Work with TSMA Consulting & use code 'SAS' for $10 off

    SAS R...

  • Which Social Media Handles Should I Use?

    The most impactful social media platforms you may like to consider:

    Instagram - Steady and used by most casting directors and filmmakers. It's an easy platform to maintain without having to do videos, which suits the boomer and millennial age bracket of those most often hiring actors. Great v...

  • How Many Hours A Day Should I Be On Social Media?

    With Ben Whitehair, CIO, TSMA | Founder, Working.Actor | SAG-AFTRA Executive Vice President

    Ben discusses the number of hours per day actors should be using social media and the best way to use social media as an actor.

    Work with TSMA Consulting & use c...

  • Do I Need An Instagram Account?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Is instagram essential for an actor?
    Is a following on social media helpful to my acting career?

  • What Is Strategic Growth On Instagram?

    with Ryan Walker, CEO, TSMA Consulting

    Work with TSMA Consulting & use code 'SAS' for $10 off.

    Can I apply strategic growth to my acting career?
    How can I amplify my strategic grown on instagram?
    What are some ways I can improve my strategic growth on instagram
    Can you de...

  • How Do I Gain Followers On Instagram?

    With Ryan Walker, CEO, TSMA Consulting

    Work with TSMA Consulting & use code 'SAS' for $10 off

    How do I build a following on Insta?
    How can I get more people to follow my instagram account?
    What are some tips to building my insta following?
    Do hashtags help me attract fol...

  • Define Your 3 Instagram Branding Points

  • Assess Who You Follow On Instagram

    Assess Who You Follow On Instagram

  • Follow Casting Directors & Actor Centric Accounts on Instagram

    Get on the social media radar of the people that can get you work. If you go to our IG or Twitter, you will see we only follow casting directors and/or actor-centric accounts that we think will benefit you.

    IG: @secretactorsociety
    Twitter: @secretactorsoc

  • Can My Social Media - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook - Cost Me A Job?

    What should I be careful of on social media?
    How can being off brand affect my career?
    If I get political on social media, is it good or bad?
    Are sexy photos bad for my brand?
    How can branding guide my social media?

  • Do I Need To Match My Acting Brand In Media Interviews / Public / Social Media?

    with Ryan Basham, Coach, Trainer & Speaker, Political Analyst & Activist

    Is branding important in all aspects of the entertainment business?
    Do I need to maintain my signature identify when doing publicity?
    How far does branding need to go to be valuable for my career?
    Do I ne...