Auditions - Live With Casting

Auditions - Live With Casting

A live audition is considered any audition that is taped by the casting office, filmmakers, or a production company. This is as opposed to a 'self taped' audition.

Type any question you have about acting, and you'll find the answer you need provided by experts, educators, working actors, and/or SAG-AFTRA board members working in the industry today.

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Auditions - Live With Casting
  • How Much Of The Character Should An Actor Embody When In A Casting Office?

    with Chris Roe, Manager | Director | Producer

    Should I be in character at a casting office?
    Should I stay in character at a casting office?
    Should I maintain character when at a casting office?
    Do actors go method at casting offices?
    Should I go method at a casti...

  • How Can An Actor Build Relationships With Casting Directors?

    with Chris Roe, Manager | Director | Producer

    How do actors build relationships with casting directors?
    What can actors do to build relationships with casting directors?
    How can an actor build a relationship with a casting director?
    Are there strategies for an ac...

  • Do You Recommend That Actors Coach For Big Auditions?

    with Chris Roe, Manager | Director | Producer

    Would you recommend that actors coach for big auditions?
    Should actors coach for big auditions?
    Do your actors coach for big auditions?
    Would you recommend that actors coach for auditions?
    Would you recommend that yo...

  • I Need To Change The Time Of My Audition - What Should I Do?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Can I turn up just a little early to my audition?
    If I run late to an audition, what do I do?
    Is it p...

  • Should I Bring A Gift For The Casting Director At An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Am I expected to give a gift to a CD after an audition?
    Should I buy casting directors gifts for brin...

  • What Do I Do If The Producers Are On Their Phones At The Start Of An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Casting isn't even looking at me. Help!
    Do I pause until the producers are looking at me?
    Why is cast...

  • If A Reader Is Far Away From The Camera At The Audition, Can I Cheat To Camera?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How important is the reader to my audition?
    Can I tell the reader where to stand?
    Can I tell the read...

  • How Can I ‘Take Risks’ In My Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What does taking a risk mean?
    How do I make big choices in my audition?
    Should I take a risk in my au...

  • Should I Tell The Casting Director That I’m About To Take A Risk In An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Should I warn the casting director if I'm going to scream?
    Should I surprise the casting director wit...

  • Is It Ok To Give The Reader Direction In An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    My reader sucks! Help!
    My reader is sitting down but they need to be standing. Help!
    Can I tell a rea...

  • Can I Take My Own Reader In For An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Is it OK to bring my friend to read with me at my audition?
    Can I ask my agent to ask casting if it i...

  • Is It Good To Try A Different Accent If I Get Another Take In An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Should I ask the casting director if I can try my natural accent?
    Can I change up my accent for a sec...

  • Is It Ok To Ask For Another Take In An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    The can I not ask for another taking at an audition?
    Can I redo my scene if I'm not happy with it?

  • Is It Ok To Ask Someone In The Audition Waiting Room To Run The Scene With Me?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Is it appropriate to ask someone in the waiting room for audition help?
    Can I ask another actor in th...

  • In A Chemistry Read Audition Is It OK To Ask Something From A Cast Actor?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How do I negotiate performance in a chemistry read?
    Can I give notes to an already cast actor in a ch...

  • Should I Shake Hands With The Casting Director At An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Why did a casting director not shake my hand?
    Should I hug a casting director?
    Is it rude to not offe...

  • What Should I Do If There Is Kissing In An Audition Scene?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Should I kiss the reader in the audition?
    How do I approach a kiss in an audition scenario?
    Can I ask...

  • How Do I Get Sides For My Auditions On Actors Access?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Where do I get my sides for my audition on Actors Access?
    What is show fax?
    I have an Cmail but I don...

  • How Can I Learn My Lines For An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What are some steps to learning my lines and being ready for my audition?
    I don't have a reader to he...

  • How Do You Learn Lines For An Audition?

    with David H. Lawrence XVII, Actor, storytelling coach, technologist | | Rehearsal® Pro

    Can rehearsal pro help me learn lines for auditions?
    Any tips on learning lines for my audition?
    Are there an apps that can help me with auditions?
    How can I qu...

  • I Did Not Learn My Lines And It Is Too Late - What Can I Do?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Can I hold my sides in my casting?
    How can I read and audition well?
    Should I go to my audition if I do not know my lines?
    Do actors le...

  • How Can I Stay Focused When I Try To Learn My Lines For An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How do I learn my lines?
    Do you have tips on how I can learn my lines?
    What do you do while you learn...

  • I Feel Like I'm Never Going To Learn My Lines For This Audition. Help!

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    How to stay calm learning lines?
    Any tips on combatting the pressure of learning lines for an auditio...

  • Do I Need To Learn All My Lines For An Audition?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Do I have to be off book at my audition?
    Will casting expect me to know all the lines?
    Will my perfor...