Amanda Mitchell (Interview)

Amanda Mitchell (Interview)

Originally from Singapore, Amanda Mitchell worked in the film and television industry for four years before migrating to Australia. She cut her teeth working with Australian casting legend, Christine King, as a casting associate on hugely successful projects such as The Dressmaker, Kill Me Three Times, Red Dog: True Blue and Marco Polo.

In 2016 she opened up her own casting house MITCHELL CASTING.
Since then she has worked on hundreds of hours of Australian and international television and film, which most recently includes season two of ABC’s hit series Harrow and The Secret She Keeps.

She is proud of her work in the Australian feature Never Too Late (starring Jacki Weaver and James Cromwell) and Shannon Murphy’s SBS miniseries, On The Ropes. Her work on ABC’s Pulse was peer-nominated as a CGA finalist for Best Casting in a Drama / Miniseries. She is currently working on a Netflix series, and NBC’s Young Rock.

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Amanda Mitchell (Interview)
  • Do You Ever Watch Unsolicited Self Tapes Sent By Actors Or Representation?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Would you watch a tape you didn't ask sent by agents?
    Would you want a tape that you didn't ask for if it was sent by an agent you trusted?
    Do you watch tapes sent by management if you didn't request them?
    If a...

  • Do You Like A Second Option For Each Scene When Actors Send Self Tapes?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Should I send a second option on a self tape?
    Does casting watch second takes on self tapes?
    Should my self tapes have a take 2?
    Should I include a take 2?
    Do you suggest I post a second take on an audition?

  • Has A Bad Self-Tape Reader Ever Cost An Actor A Job?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Do bad self tape readers ruin self tapes?
    What is the impact of a bad reader in a self tape?
    Should I retape if my reader is bad?
    Are bad readers on a self tape a deal breaker?
    Can a bad self tape reader stop me...

  • What Gifts Do You Love & Not Love?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    What should I buy Amanda Mitchell?
    What are the types of gifts Amanda Mitchell is open to receiving?
    What should I buy Amanda Mitchell as a thank you present?

  • How Do You Feel About Actors Sending A Thank You Present When You Hire Them?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Does Amanda Mitchell like thank you presents after an actor books?
    Do actors have to give thank you presents to casting?
    Is it expected to give casting directors thank you presents?
    Do casting directors expect t...

  • Do You Allow Unrepresented Actors To Submit On Your Projects?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Do you let unrepresented actors to submit on your projects?
    Would you allow unrepresented actors to submit on your projects?
    Do you bring in unrepresented actors into castings?
    Are you open to actors without age...

  • Do You Like Actors To Wear Costumes Or Dress The Part?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Should I dress in full costume at a casting?
    Can I costume for an audition?
    Should I wear full costume at a casting?
    At a casting, can I go full costume?
    Would you recommend, full costume at an audition?
    At an a...

  • Where Do You Post Breakdowns For Roles You Are Casting?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    What site do you use to post breakdowns?
    Where do CDS post breakdowns?
    Where are breakdowns viewed?
    What site is used for breakdowns?
    Where do you advertise auditions?
    What do CDs post auditions notices?
    Where a...

  • How Many Actors Do You See In The Room & On Tape For Each Role?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    How many actors do you see for a co-star?
    How many actors do you see for a guest star?
    How many actors do you see for a lead roler?
    How many actors to you see per role?
    What is the number of actors you see for e...

  • When Is It Appropriate For Actors To Reach Out Directly To A Casting Director?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Can I call Amanda Mitchell any time I like?
    Is Amanda Mitchell open to talent emailing her directly?
    Can I call Amanda Mitchell?
    Can I get in contact with Mitchell Casting?
    Is Mitchell Casting open to actors rea...

  • What Are Some Tips For Actors When They Are On A Film Or TV Set?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    Do you have tips for actors when they are on a film or TV set?
    Any tips for actors when i am on a film or TV set?
    Does Amanda Mitchell have any tips for talent when on set?
    Do you have any tips for me when I a...

  • How Much Input Do You Feel You Have In The Final Casting Decisions?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog: True Blue

  • How Many Actors Do You Usually Present To The Filmmakers For Each Role?

    Amanda Mitchell
    Casting Director | Harrow, Young Rock, The Secret She Keeps, Red Dog

    How many actors will you show the filmmakers?
    How many actors will be shown to a film maker?
    How many actors will you submit to producers?
    How many actors will you show to a tv producer?
    How many selections will...