Accents & Languages

Accents & Languages

Type any question you have about acting, and you'll find the answer you need provided by experts, educators, working actors, and/or SAG-AFTRA board members working in the industry today.

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Accents & Languages
  • Is It Helpful That I Speak Another Language For Acting In Hollywood?

    with Amy Walker, Working Actor | Founder, CEO of

    How fluent at a second language do I need to be before listing it on my resume?
    Are second languages valued in hollywood?
    How good an spanish do I need to be to be on spanish tv?

  • Why Is My US Accent Southern & How Can I Make It A Normal US Accent?

    with Amy Walker, Working Actor | Founder, CEO of

    My general accent keeps going southern - help!
    Why can't I do a general accent?
    What are the traps for learning a US accent?
    Why is my american accent southern?
    Why does my general...

  • What Is A Mid-Atlantic American Accent?

    with Amy Walker, Working Actor | Founder, CEO of

    Where does the Mid-Atlantic American accent come from?
    Where is the Mid-Atlantic American accent from?
    How do I do the Mid-Atlantic American?
    Is the Mid-Atlantic American accent a ...

  • Should I Do The Accent Associated From The City In Which The Show Exists?

    with Amy Walker, Working Actor | Founder, CEO of

    If the show is set in (ie. New York, Boston) should automatically I do the accent associated from the city?
    What accent should I use for each show?
    How can I work out what accent t...

  • Are Foreign Languages Used In Voice Over?

    with David H. Lawrence XVII, Actor, storytelling coach, technologist | | Rehearsal® Pro

    Is speaking spanish helpful for voice over?
    Is speaking a second language good for voice over?
    Will my chinese language make me attractive for VO work?
    Do I nee...

  • Do I Need An American Accent To Work On TV?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Do I need to do an american accent?
    Is having an american accent a must have in LA?
    Does not doing an american accent hinder me?
    What i...

  • What Language Should I Learn For Acting?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    What languages are most used in film and television?
    Should I learn another language?
    How does havin...

  • How Can I Learn An American Accent?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Any tips on helping me learn an american accent?
    Where do I start with learning an american accent?

  • Should I Learn Another Language For Acting?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    Will learning a second language by a game changer as an actor?
    I have a hispanic background, should I...

  • Is It Helpful That I Speak Another Language?

    With Kym Jackson, Working Actor, Union Delegate, Coach, Author of The Hollywood Survival Guide & Co-Owner of Secret Actor Society

    I speak french, should I tell my agent?
    Do actors who know multiple languages get more work?
    Is speak...

  • Should I Learn Asian Accents & Languages That Don't Match My Look?

    Anthony Brandon Wong, Award-Winning Actor & Acting Teacher

    Should I learn Japanese?
    Should I learn Korean?
    Should I learn Mandarin?
    Should I learn Cantonese?
    Should I learn a Japanese accent?
    Should I learn a Chinese accent?
    Should I learn a Korean accent?
    Should I learn a Thai accent?

  • Where Can I Learn Different Asian Accents?

    Anthony Brandon Wong, Award-Winning Actor & Acting Teacher

    Where can I learn different asian accents?
    How can I start to learn Japanese accent?
    How can I learn a Japanese accent?
    How can I learn a Korean accent?
    How can I learn a Chinese accent?
    Any advice on asian accent coaching?
    Who is a goo...

  • I Can't Do An American Accent, Is Moving To LA Right For Me?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Should I learn an american accent before I move to LA?
    Is it better to learn an american accent once I'm in LA?
    Where can I learn an american accent?
    Should I move t...

  • Do I Need An American Accent To Work On TV?

    with Jess Orcsik Working Performer | Producer | Business Coach | Founder of The American Film and Television Academy

    Can I have a career in the US without chaining my natural accent?
    Can I work in my natural accent in LA?
    Do I need to learn an american accent to get work in the sta...